This data includes 2020 Elsevier title level pricing for five universities, including Florida State University; Iowa State University; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; West Virginia University; and an anonymous university named “Institution A” in the data set.
In addition, the data includes a summary analysis that includes for each university the 2020 Published List Price, Adjustment from List Price, Average Cost per Journal, and number of Subscribed Titles. This data will be of interest to anyone interested in examining title level pricing from a major commercial publisher.
Change Log: Version 2: After the original publication of this data set and accompanying paper it was discovered that UNC’s original prices were for a partial year (8 months) rather than a full year. Version 2 of the data set includes 12-month estimated costs for UNC based off the 8-month cost. The following files have been updated to reflect these changes: ELS_TitleLevel_Breakdown_ByInsitution.xlsx, UNC_2020_Pricelist.csv, and readme.pdf which has been renamed readme_V2.pdf. Formatting errors in all the CSV files caught by Stephen Eglen have also been corrected.
The journal article by Thornton and Brundy, “Elsevier Title Level Pricing: Dissecting the Bowl of Spaghetti”, which utilized this pricing data, is in the process of being updated to reflect the new UNC pricing information.