Data For: Diversifying and Perennializing Plants in Agroecosystems Alters Retention of New C and N from Crop
These data are soil, CO2 efflux, dissolved organic carbon leaching, and various other measures from a mesocosm experiment performed in long-term (12-years) crop diversity experiment near Hickory Corners, MI, United States.Briefly, we tracked dual-labelled (13C and 15N), isotopically enriched wheat (Triticum aestivum) residue in situ for two years as it decomposed in three agroecosystems: maize-soybean rotation (CS), maize-soybean-wheat plus red clover and cereal rye cover crops (CSW2), and spring fallow management with regeneration of natural grassland species (7-10 species; SF). We measured losses of wheat residue (Cwheat and Nwheat) in leached soil solution and greenhouse gas fluxes, as well as how much was recovered in microbial biomass and bulk soil at 5-cm increments down to 20 cm.
- Time period(s): 2011 to 2013
- Location(s): Hickory Corners, MI, United States
- Long-term Experiment: Cropping Biodiversity Gradient Experiment
- Further Site Information:
USDA-NIFA 2015-42247-519119
The KBS LTER Project: Long-term Ecological Research in Row-crop Agriculture
Directorate for Biological Sciences
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