Iowa State University
README_revised.rtf (111.93 kB)
Africa2003.tar (20.21 GB)
NorthAmerica2003.tar (18.51 GB)
SouthAmerica2003.tar (13.22 GB)
Australia2003.tar (5.82 GB)
EuropeanAsia2003.tar (46.03 GB)
6 files

Global 1 km resolution daily near-surface air temperature for 2003

Version 3 2023-05-15, 15:58
Version 2 2022-10-31, 20:20
Version 1 2022-07-01, 15:32
posted on 2023-05-15, 15:58 authored by Tao ZhangTao Zhang, Yuyu ZhouYuyu Zhou

A gridded 1 km resolution global (50°S ~79°N) daily maximum and minimum near-surface air temperature dataset for 2003 that was generated using a seamless 1 km resolution land surface temperature dataset, a 30-arc second (~1 km) resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data, and air temperature observations at weather stations and a spatially varying coefficient model with sign preservation (SVCM-SP) algorithm. 

The gridded air temperature dataset is of great use in global studies of urban, climate, and hydrology. 

Documentation for the entire series is included in this download. 

Data from other years is available at:

 Change log: Updated all 2003 files 5/8/23


Iowa State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Dean’s Emerging Faculty Leaders Award

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