Iowa State University

ISU-ILCC Battery Aging Dataset

Version 2 2023-12-21, 14:03
Version 1 2023-08-07, 20:16
posted on 2023-12-21, 14:03 authored by Adam ThelenAdam Thelen, Tingkai Li, Jinqiang Liu, Chad Tischer, Chao Hu

The ISU-ILCC battery aging dataset was collected jointly by the System Reliability and Safety Laboratory at Iowa State University (ISU), now the Reliability Engineering and Informatics Laboratory (REIL) at the University of Connecticut, and Iowa Lakes Community College (ILCC). The dataset is designed to study the dependency of battery capacity fade from three stress factors: charge rate, discharge rate, and depth of discharge. The dataset contains cycle aging data from 251 lithium-ion (Li-ion) polymer cells (also called lithium polymer cells) cycled under 63 unique conditions. The current release contains 238 cells; the other 12 cells have not completed the testing (data from those cells will be included in a future release).

We would also like to acknowledge Zihao Zhou and Dr. David Howey from the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford for their contributions to this publication.

Change log: Release 2.0 folders added and readme file revised 12/2023.



