Visualization of Bangumi user Konico's ratings
The data visualization shown here provides viewer ratings from Bangumi of individual user Konico from December 2020 to February 2024. Bangumi is an online rating website that provides access to anime information. The visual has a y-axis with count notated in increments of 50 and an x-axis for an integer rating scale ranging from 1-10. Quarto was used to gather the user's ratings using Bangumi API, creating and rendering the histogram image. The original bar.gif file was also exported to show the last frame of the gif as a static image in final_bar.png.
The accompanying Bangumi_konico_anime_rating.txt file contains the list gathered from the API to make the visual. Three variables are present: title, rating_user, and time_user. Title refers to the particular anime title (733 in total, and titles may contain non-English characters), rating_user is the assigned ratings to each anime watched that were subjective to the individual viewer (1=the lowest and 10=the highest), and time_user is the date the viewer finished watching a particular anime (expressed in YYYY-MM-DD format.)
This data visualization won 2nd place in the 2024 Iowa State University Love Data Week Data Viz contest.