READ ME: Survival, home ranges, and habitat use of white-tailed deer fawns in central Iowa Citation McGovern PG, Dinsmore SJ, Blanchong JA. Survival of white-tailed deer fawns in central Iowa, PLoS ONE Author Information Patrick G. McGovern, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Julie A. Blanchong Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University Corresponding author: Julie Blanchong, Fawn_home_ranges.csv Content- .csv spreadsheet of fawn home range size, habitat content for each fawn in three survival intervals Columns and explanation- Fawn_ID- unique identification of each fawn; F designates female, M designates male Interval- survival interval (0-30 days, 0-60 days, 0-7 months) for which home range calculated Area- area of fawn home range in hectares. 95% kernel density areas were calculated using the least squares cross validation (LSCV) bandwidth estimator in Geospatial Modeling Environment (GME; version 0.7.4, Spatial Ecology LLC); the area of each home range was calculated using ArcGIS (version 10.3, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, CA, USA) using a 3 m high-resolution land cover raster layer ( WATER, WETLAND, GRASSLAND, AGRICULTURE, BARREN/FALLOW, STRUCTURE, ROADS/IMPERVIOUS, BACKGROUND- columns represent amount of each habitat in a fawn’s home range; the habitat composition of each home range was calculated using ArcGIS (version 10.3, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, CA, USA) using a 3 m high-resolution land cover raster layer ( Sex- fawn sex Year- year data are from Fawn_locations.csv Content- .csv spreadsheet of all fawn locations Columns and explanation- Fawn_ID- unique identification of each fawn; F designates female, M designates male Time- time data collected UTM_Northing, UTM_Easting- location information of fawn in Universal Transverse Mercator units Habitat_Type- type of habitat fawn was located in Fawn_mortalities.csv Content- .csv spreadsheet of fawn mortalities Columns and explanation- Fawn_ID- unique identification of each fawn; F designates female, M designates male Date_Detect- date mortality detected Suspected_Cause- suspected cause of death Program MARK files for survival estimation Content- files for fawn survival estimation in Program MARK ( for three survival intervals (0-30 days, 0-60 days, 0-7 months); a staggered entry design was used where individuals entered the analysis on the date captured; all fawns with dropped or lost collars were left-censored; a buffer was created around each fawn location in ArcGIS to calculate the proportion of available woodland and agricultural habitat; buffer size was based on mean fawn movement in each survival interval (120 m 0-30 days, 155 m 0-60 days, 170 m 0-7 months); in cases where a fawn was located more than once in a day the location closest to noon for was selected for buffer creation File explanation (1 of each for each survival interval)- .dbf file- this file stores the Results browser information from the MARK fawn survival estimation analysis; includes model names, number of parameters in the models, model AIC values .fpt file- this file contains the details of all of the survival models that were analyzed; includes summary of the input data and all parameter estimates