README.txt file was created on 20190929 by Jeffrey Kushkowski Revision: 20200210 by Jeffrey Kushkowski ----- GENERAL INFORMATION ----- # Data Title: Corporate Governance Data Set # Project Title: Information Flows and Topic Modeling in Corporate Governance #Data Abstract: Data for this project was collected from the ISI Web of Science database. It includes excerpted Web of Science records that were used for the project, a list of fulltext files; data used to create a Sankey diagram, a table describing how categories from Harzing’s Journal Quality List were adapted for this project, and. . . # Authors: Jeffrey D. Kushkowski, Professor Business and Economics Librarian Iowa State University 152 Parks Library Ames, IA 50011-2140 Charles B. Shrader, Morrill and University Professor Ralph and Jean Eucher Faculty Fellow in Business Ethics Department of Management 4562 Memorial Union Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 Marc H. Anderson, Associate Professor Deans Faculty Fellow in Management 3113 Gerdin Business Building Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 Robert E. White, Lecturer of Management 3212 Gerdin Business Building Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 Corresponding author: Jeffrey Kushkowski # Data collection ISI Web of Science Data was collected in 2013 and in January 2016 in Ames, Iowa. Data collected was based on a search for topics related to corporate governance: DATABASE: Web of Science Core Collection TOPIC: (“corporate governance” OR “agency theory” OR “director” OR “market for corporate control” OR “ownership structure” OR “executive compensation”) Refined by: WEB OF SCIENCE CATEGORIES: ( BUSINESS FINANCE OR BUSINESS OR ECONOMICS OR MANAGEMENT OR LAW ) Timespan: 1970-2015. Indexes: SSCI. #FILE NAMES: Filenames use no codes or abbreviations. # FILE LIST Corp_Gov_Data_Final.csv File contains base data for this project. Files are records from ISI Web of Science based on a search for corporate governance articles. Web of Science records contain a subset of the full Web of Science record plus some author supplied fields. Corp_Gov_Data_File.csv Raw data file for project. Contains full bibliographic records including cited references for Web of Science search above. Codebook_Corp_Gov_Data_Final.csv File contains codebook for Corp_Gov_Data_Final Corp_Gov_Full_Text_Files_List.csv Files contains list of full text files used for this project. Codebook_Corp_Gov_Full_Text_Files_List.csv File contains codebook for Corp_Gov_Full_Text_Files_List Corp_Gov_to_Web_of_Science_Field_Map.csv Maps the variables used in the Corp_Gov_Data_File.csv data file to Web of Science Core Collection Field Tags. Matched_Articles_Cited_References.csv File contains matched article/ cited reference pairs used to create Sankey diagram. Codebook_Matched_Articles_Cited_References.csv Codebook for matched article/ cited reference file Codebook_Harzing_Categories.csv Codebook describing Harzing Subject Categories Sankey_Diagram_Data Flow.pdf Diagram from the Sankey article/ cited reference dataset Stata analysis ----- CODEBOOK ----- Codebooks for each data set are included in the file directory and are designated as "_codebook" ----- METHODS AND MATERIALS ----- ------- SOFTWARE ------- Name: Stata Version: 15 System Requirements: URL: