Data description for data files associated with "Multiple paternity in garter snakes with evolutionarily divergent life-histories" Authors are: Eric J. Gangloff, Megan B. Manes, Tonia S. Schwartz, Kylie A. Robert, Natalie Huebschman, and Anne M. Bronikowski Correspondence to: Anne M. Bronikowski, Iowa State University. Published in the "Journal of Heredity" +------- "TelegansReproductiveData.csv" Provides reproductive data for garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans) MomID: Identification number of mother Population: Population of origin (6 populations: L2, L3, L4, M1, M2, M3).[Populations that start with "L" are replicate populations of the L-fast ecotype; populations that start with "M" are replicate populations of the M-slow ecotype (see "Ecotype" column description, and see paper for details) Ecotype: Life-history ecotype of snake (genetic background): Lfast or Mslow DadID: Identification number of father BabyID: Indentification number (within litter) of offspring BabySex: Sex of offspring (male/female) BabySVL: Snout-vent length of offspring at birth (mm) BabyMass: Mass of baby at birth (g) SampledLitterSize: Number of offspring in litter successfully assigned to father LiveBorn: Total number of live-born offspring in litter Stillborns: Total number of stillborn offspring in litter MomSVL: Snout-vent length of mother (mm) "GenotypeData.xlsx" Provides micro satellite genotype data for garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans) used for paternity analysis and population genetic analyses ID: Identification number for the snake Type (Paternity Analysis Tab): Whether the animal was offspring, mom, or a potential dad The next 12 (Paternity Analysis Tab) to 14 columns (Population Analysis Tab) are the two alleles (a or b) for each microsatellite loci. 7 loci were genotyped for the population data, but locus TelCa3 was found to have null alleles and was dropped from the analyses. "TelegansMultiplePaternityDataArchive.R" Provides code used for analsyses. Uses: cowplot 1.1.0 ggplot2 3.3.2 MASS 7.3-51.4 dplyr 1.0.2